Wednesday, May 23, 2007

(Stolen) From Ducky With Love Part II: Phone Survey

Most people can't live without their cell phone... so here's a survey about it.

Okay? Go Grab your phone! <--this command caused a genuine panic in my heart because I couldn't find the damn phone.

1. What color?
Black and silver

2. Who's the first person who comes up under the letter M?

3. Who's the last person you called?
Leoul...he didn't pick up :o(

4. Who is the last missed call from?

5. Who's the 2nd person who comes up under D?
Dad's cell phone der

6. Who's speed dial 2?
Mom's cell phone (Ducky, how do you not know how to find this out?)

7. Who's the 3rd person who comes up under J?
Jew (Genevieve)

8. Who was your last received call from?
Sarah Balch of course

9. Who's speed dial number number 4?
Dad's cell phone, again

10. What is your background?
a picture of a hand holding a sticker that says "Felton, California" in front of what looks like a frapuccino courtesy of Nate Curry

11. How many texts are currently in your inbox?

12. Who's speed dial #1?

13. What's the 5th message say in your inbox?
"Are ya'll at church?"

14. Who's the first person that comes up under G?
Grandpa cell phone - yes, my 74 year old grandpa has a cellphone

15. Who was your last text message from?

16. Name every person you have text messages from:
Matt Meagen Nate

17. Who's the 2nd person who comes up under S?
SARAH BALCH! Cell phone, not home.

18. Who's the 9th person on your missed calls?

19. What does the 6th message in your outbox say?
"cool cool"

20. Who is the first name in your Phonebook?
Angles hair salon...classy

21. Who is the last name in your phonebook?
Yeshi, my favorite Ethiopian.

22. Do you have a camera phone?
Who doesn't these days? Even my mother has a camera phone.

23. Who is the last person under D?
DUCKY! What a coincidence!

24. What does your first text message say?
It's a picture message. <--mine too, the picture is Nate holding his camera up in a mirror with his buck teeth in. Once again, classy.

25. Who is the third person under K?
No k's. What a sad note to end on...


Matt said...

mine was way better than that!

Vanessa said...

Suck it.

Danielle and Melissa said...

We're each others last people under D on our phones... Sweet.

Vanessa said...

Yeah I know that's what got me so exciiiiiiited!